Sunday, April 8, 2007

In closing these 40 days of Lent I am oddly left with a sense of questions as opposed to more answers. What am I supposed to take away with me from this experience? It makes no sense to make something like this part of my life only to jump right back into my old ways the minute Jesus raises to life. What is the purpose? I've learned that I don't need certain things. There are habits, patterns, that I can break and new ones that I can establish in order to become more of a whole person.
Hmmm...... habits to change? I need to eat healthier. What does this look like? Maybe instead of buying food in a box or a can I make it from scratch and I stop eating all that amazing delicious food at work, instead setting aside one day that I eat dessert there. I need to stick to my budget. Whenever I make a purchase, write it down. Figure in a meal out or a movie but don't go over what is set aside. Put my tips aside for one purpose, whether it be books or music or a road trip. I need to excersize. I might not have time every day, but I should make a routine out of doing something. I can ride my bicycle, or once I get shoes I could run.
All I come away with when thinking about it is that my life should be changed in some way. Maybe the Cross cries loudest for action, for new direction.