This is the second day I've had off in a row... its been beautiful. Yesterday I did absolutely nothing of any value (aside from reading) until 5pm. :) Today however, I rode my bicycle doing random errands and trying not to get too soaked by the rain that was falling, realizing again how much I enjoy being out on my bike. I do complain once in a while about not possessing a vehicle but truly I am thankful that I must ride instead. It makes me slow down and notice things; I fear that if I had a car I would find it even more difficult to take it easy and notice people.
I found a great little bookshop today, tucked downstairs in the huge building on the corner of Western and Selby, near the Cathedral. A woman who came into my work a couple weeks ago told me I should look for it because I told her how much I love books. I would recommend it.
The trees are great! I was coming down my road here in Frogtown and noticing how some of them have changed over to that red/orange and some are still in that green/brownish state. I could literally
smell fall.