Tuesday, March 31, 2009


spring break turned out to be what i needed, thankfully. i only really accomplished one of the things on my list: sleep. i read about a chapter of schaeffer, had some good bible study (luke 8.16-18), got some homework done, but didn't get a chance to talk with Anna. however i did hang out with a couple individuals that i love: Abby and Mary Anne.
i've been feeling a little discouraged lately about my bus route because it has seemed like none of the kids come anymore... this week was beautiful because although only one girl came, the Straw family drove themselves to the 11am service. the parents are really good parents and it was awesome to see them come.
i appreciate how God brings us through seasons to prove again and again that He is
enough. my life can get so wrapped up in agenda and the minute details that i forget that unless He is in those details it is worthless.
one of my favorite things is watching people be set free... its beautiful.

1 comment:

Gerri said...

I think that we can see so little of what God is doing at any specific time, and the enemy so wants to discourage us from reaching out to others. You are an amazing reflection of Jesus, Abby. Its not being some kind of perfect person, you know this. Its loving, and speaking the truth in love, that has a God impact. Seed can take a long time to sprout and grow and bear fruit. The word of God is good seed, and love waters it well! Hugs and kisses!!!
And yes, I wholeheartedly agree, its the most satisfying thing in the world, to watch God at work in another person!