Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Words are so cheap. I very much dislike putting them on paper because it seems like they just stare back at me, laughing at my lame attempt to make them convey something in my heart. How do I then begin to communicate something, if these words I write will not perform the task I give? I don't feel like an artist with my tongue or pencil. Shall I allow only others to craft with these tools? There is a little voice inside of me that screams, "NO! Don't let them have all the fun!" There's also another voice simultaneously, equally as emphatic, which says, "Yes, but allow Jesus to write a poem with your life. He is the Artist and you the art."


Libs said...

I heard this thing this past week, for the first time(which you know is rare for us in church). The word "workmanship" in scripture is actually from the same derivative word as the words we get poet or poetry from, insinuating that God crafts us, and puts us together as a poet would his poem. We are his crafted poem, or message, to the world. It becomes more and more cool with more research, as Jesus is God's word incarnate, we are as well. His message is our message, our lives are the message, but we choose what we live. What words our actions speak. This also comes into play with giving account on judgement day, that we give account for the message we relayed; if it was the message he crafted when he made us.
Cool, eh? I guess our words really should be carefully chosen.

...Abigail Marie... said...

You feel me.

Love Abounds At Home said...

I didn't know you had a blog. It's great :)